Student loan debt, a hot topic of the occupy Wall Street movement, has been increasing exponentially in recent years, and new data is confirming just how large the average student's debt is upon graduation. The Institute for College Access and Success is reporting that two thirds of college graduates have student loans upon graduation ...
European debt concerns have continued to affect the financial markets across the world, as many fear Italy will soon be in the same position as Greece. Both nations are members of the Euro Zone, which has a common currency, the Euro, and all agree on monetary policy. Italian government bonds have recently risen to their highest ...
Two California collection agencies used abusive and intimidating tactics to harass consumers stricken with debt, with one agency threatening to kill debtors’ pets or desecrate the bodies of their deceased kin, according to a recent Federal Trade Commission complaint. These complaints highlight an increase in filings concerning the ...
The Ford Motor Company is marketing $1.25 billion of bonds following the credit boost received from Moody’s Investors Service. Ford plans to sell senior unsecured three-year notes that yield up to 3.875 percent. This compares with the 3.2 percent yield on the average investment-grade debt due in three to five years. Moody’s raised ...