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A ‘How-To’ Guide for Credit Card Debt Settlement

Credit Card Debt Settlement

What is Credit Card Debt Settlement?

Credit Card Debt Settlement is a financial measure undertaken by both the individual in possession of credit debt – known as the ‘debtor’, and the institution or entity in ownership of the outstanding debt – known as the ‘lender’ or ‘the debt owner’; upon enacting a credit card debt settlement, the debtor will have the opportunity to undertake the satisfaction of a reduced amount required for the satisfaction of the credit card debt. A credit card debt settlement must render approval from botht the owner of the debt, as well as the debtor.

Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment

The following are a variety of repayment options for which an individual debtor may be eligible subsequent to undertaking a credit card debt settlement:

A Standard Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment Schedule provides for a standardized payment required for furnishing on a monthly basis on behalf of the individual debtor concerning the lending institution

An Extended Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment Schedule allows for an extension of the repayment period concerning the life of the loan itself the time of the loan, which typically results in the lessening of the required, scheduled repayment amount

A Graduated Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment Schedule provides for a variable repayment amount with regard to life of a defaulted loan

A Prorated Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment Schedule allows for debtors wages, earning, and income to serve as a determinant factor with regard to the establishment of repayment amounts

A Lump Sum Credit Card Debt Settlement Repayment Schedule allows the debtor to furnish a reduced amount for repayment in lieu of the full amount owed; however, this type of Debt Settlement plan may require the debtor to furnish the adjust – albeit decreased rate – all at once

Assessing Your Credit Rating through Credit Card Debt Repayment

Prior to engaging in – or agreeing upon a credit card debt settlement plan, you are encouraged to undertake legal counsel or certified financial assistance with regard to not only analyzing your current credit rating, but also the affect that participation in a credit card debt settlement plan will have on the state of your individual credit rating:

Typically, credit ratings classified as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Good’ yield the most attractive interest and annual percentage rates (APR) ranging between 2% and 5%; these credit cards commonly include amongst the largest credit limits, and are largely unsecured in nature

Typically, credit ratings classified as ‘Average’ or ‘Fair’ yield the most attractive interest and annual percentage rates (APR) ranging between 8% and 20%; these credit cards commonly include median credit limits, and may vary between secured or unsecured in nature

Typically, credit ratings classified as ‘Poor’ or ‘Bad’ yield the most attractive interest and annual percentage rates (APR) ranging between 10% and upwards of 25%; these types of credit cards retain comparably low credit limits, and are largely secured in nature, which may require them to be issued contingent upon surety deposits or a pre-payment plan.

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